About me

Hi, I am Nikola. I am a certifiedMenstrual Cycle Coach and Yoga ​Teacher, specialized in Hormone ​Yoga Therapy (more about this ​practice here).

Yoga became a part of my life in my ​20s. I practice and teach Hatha Yoga. ​I came across Hormone Yoga ​Therapy (HYT) while visiting my ​home country, the Czech Republic.

A good friend of mine was able to ​heal her thyroid condition with HYT ​practice without taking pills ​(hormone replacement medication), ​and I was immediately drawn to it ​because hypothyroidism runs in our ​family.

Finding out there is a natural remedy for this condition felt like a relief.

As a woman in her late 30s, I have experienced some hormonal changes – noticing ​some anovulatory cycles etc. HYT helped to balance my hormones naturally. My ​menstrual cycle became regular with healthy ovulations and periods, with no PMS ​and minimum mild menstrual cramps.

But it wasn’t only the practice of HYT. There was one more crucial thing, one more ​ingredient.

And that was Menstrual Cycle Awareness (MCA). I have explored the art of it, the ​practice of tuning into my body and my menstrual cycle, recognizing that I ebb ​and flow with the phases of my cycle. I am not a linear but cyclical human being ​and I need to adjust how I move throughout the month so it suits my body, soul ​and my cycle. Connecting and understanding my cycle, and simply cooperating ​with myself, rather than pushing myself to be someone I am not at that moment, ​left me way more balanced, energetic, productive, relaxed, and creative.

I found my flow!

I now understand what my superpowers and vulnerabilities are for each of the ​phases. I can enhances those superpowers and care for the vulnerabilities as I ​move throughout the month, my menstrual cycle. MCA also brought me back into ​my womb, the infinite wisdom and knowing that lies there when we learn how to ​pause and listen, especially on our period.

I love to share all of this with other women. And men too. You would be surprised ​how open they are to hear about a menstrual cycle and the changes we are going ​through. Because that knowledge creates more harmony. I have made this post ​about “How to treat a woman according to her cycle and its phases”, and it’s had ​a huge success between both men and women.

If you are ready to tap into menstrual magic or want to learn about HYT, click here ​to see what are my current offerings.